Trike A Pose riders are on the streets of the Bay Area. Find us at iconic tourist locations, special city events and local beaches. Follow us on Twitter to find out where we are right now!
We're at the Wharf right now if you want an instant photo strip! #santacruz #fotobike #photobike #instantphotos
We're in downtown Santa Cruz right now. Come find us! #santacruz #photostrip #selfies #insantphotos #fotobike
RT @scsentinel: Mobile photo booth Fotobike debuts in Santa Cruz
The Fotobike will be there #SantaCruz
Find The Fotobike downtown Santa Cruz today and later at the wharf. You can't miss us! Will post more details soon.
The Santa Cruz Sentinel @scsentinel did a story on our Fotobike venture! Thank you!
RT @CTZ: It's a mobile photo booth to sum it up simply. Take it anywhere, take pictures, get print outs, fully customizable. GREAT FOR EVENTS!
RT @CTZ: Been sitting on this whole thing for MONTHS. Really glad to get it out there. Check it out, hire us for your events!
RT @CTZ: To quote a friend, it's "This is the most Cali thing I've ever seen" YUP!
RT @CTZ: Did you see my news yesterday?! I launched a new business call @TheFotoBike! A photo booth on wheels! :D